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Many of us spend long stretches of the day sat at our computers. We might use them to shop online, save important documents, or plan a new running route. So it's likely that we have stored some personal information about ourselves on our computers.
Of course, it's totally normal to store information about your life on a computer – after all, it's one of the things they're used for. But without protecting your information carefully, there are things you could be saving that could make it easier for a fraudster to put together a sophisticated financial picture of you.
Here are some things we may save about ourselves on our computers, and some tips to help keep your data safe from potential fraudsters.
There are lots of sensible steps you can take to help keep the personal information on your computer more secure:
You should always:
We hope these tips help you feel more in control of keeping your computer and personal information safe from scammers.
Read more on what you can do to stay safe online
The content in this article is for information only and is not advice. All content in this article was accurate on the date of publication shown above.
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