Image shows a stick figure standing on a stack of four coins with their hands on their hips. There are clouds and birds in the background with a blue sky and purple floor.

Anyone can make a plan, but when you make a plan, you stick to it. When it comes to managing your money, you’re very much in the driving seat.

Part of it is that you genuinely enjoy taking a deep dive into your finances – constantly seeking new ways to blend current needs with future dreams. Of all our financial personalities, Confident Money Managers may be the most likely to start saving for retirement early on in their careers. 

Read on to find out about the assets in a Confident Money Manager’s financial personality portfolio, and how to leverage them to overcome any challenges.

Interested in taking the official, validated MBTI assessment? Through MBTIonline, you can:

  • discover self-awareness
  • improve relationships and communication
  • find your ideal career with predicted career satisfaction
  • host a team development session and more!

Note, payment is required to take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® and access courses and resources.

Interested in taking the official, validated MBTI assessment? Through MBTIonline, you can:

  • discover self-awareness
  • improve relationships and communication
  • find your ideal career with predicted career satisfaction
  • host a team development session and more!

Note, payment is required to take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® and access courses and resources.

Financial personality assets


You make it your business to understand the inner workings of your own finances; as well the wider context. You know how to evaluate the various options open to you, and how to build these into your financial strategy to achieve your goals.  

Leverage it

Make a clear distinction between what you need to know, and what you want to know. Confident Money Managers may tend to overanalyse, losing objectivity along the way. Direct your focus to areas of knowledge that will directly support your financial plan and objectives. 


Hypes and fads are not your bag. You prefer tried-and-trusted traditional financial products: savings, investments, and pensions; over cryptocurrency and startup stocks.  Confident Money Managers know when ISA season is approaching, and they’re ready for it. 

Leverage it

Channel your traditionalist impulses via innovative tools that actively support your financial plans and objectives. There’s a wealth of apps and other tech out there to serve the needs of traditional savers and investors. Use them to combine old and new to help you reach your goals.


Some people would rather scrub the bath than take a look at their finances. Not you. You always know what’s coming up on the financial horizon, and you’re prepared for it – with a plan you actually enjoyed making. Confident Money Managers typically excel at tracking their finances over time, using a range of tools to do so. 

Leverage it

The combination of fascination and confidence results in powerful momentum for Confident Money Managers. You may be tempted to go it alone on big decisions, even in situations where expert input could prove invaluable. Consider leveraging your fascination by bringing in expertise from others who share your keen fascination: financial advisors, and other professionals. 


Conviction allows Confident Money Managers to roll out their financial plans without skipping a beat. While uncertainty could lead other financial personalities to miss out when opportunity knocks, you’re already at the door – with your sleeves up, ready to make your move.

Leverage it

Sealing the deal feels good. It feels even better when you know you’ve done everything in your power to ensure that the deal is a sound one. Make your conviction count, by taking a step back to fully evaluate your decisions. Where things seem black and white, take time to find the grey.

Calling Confident Money Managers!

Share the quiz to help friends and family discover their own financial personalities and leverage their personal assets to help achieve their goals. 

If you’re interested in learning more about personality types, click here to receive the free Ultimate Guide to Extraversion and Introversion eBook from The Myers-Briggs Company.

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